Tuesday, 12 December 2006

Old Friends & Memories

I have to admit that since I retired almost 5 years ago, I have not been very good at staying in touch with the navy and the logistics world with which I spent some 37 of the prime years of my life. I have been a little surprized at how quickly I let it go without regrets. I am not a member of any mess or association that has any connection to my old navy life. Nor have I had any desire to belong to any. I do, however, make a point to attend the annual Logistics Mess Dinner which I did once again last week. What an enjoyable evening it was. Present were many old friends, some of whom I had not seen since I retired, with lots of memories to share. Most of my friends are now getting to be very senior in rank occuping positions leadership in the Forces. It is good to see them doing so well! As for the dinner, the meal was excellent, my table companions pleasent, and the antics of the vice PMCs kept most of the crowd highly amused. Yes, it was a very good time and I will surely attend next year . . . mind you, thats if I get invited!

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