Monday, 5 September 2011

Borneo At Last

After some 41 hours on 4 airplanes and in 6 different airports (Halifax, Toronto, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Singapore and Brunei) my wife and I finally arrived in Brunei. Unfortunately our luggage did not.  All our checked baggage finally showed up three days later.

Isla Catherine McKay 
Notwithstanding that little inconvenience, the great part of this adventure is that we are now with our daughter Sara, her husband Anth and our two grandkids, Alex and Isla (only a week after her birth).  It has been some 16 months since we last saw Alex so he is entirely different.  Yes, we are looking forward to the next couple of months on the edge of the jungles of Borneo.

I took a little walk in a park yesterday with Anth and Alex and did not last long - the heat was overwhelming.  We also encountered some monkeys that did not appear to be friendly at all.  Anth and I were very nervous with these creatures wandering about but grandson Alex was intrigued. 

The tough part of this trip I think will be getting used to the heat.  At some point Anth and I are going to get a game of golf in (should my clubs ever arrive) and I am not sure that I could do 18 holes in these conditions.  I am hoping that as winter comes to the northern hemisphere it will get even just a little cooler here but I fear we are just to close to the equator for much relief.

Alex and his Papa

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