Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Desperate Ducks

 It’s a long, cold and now stormy winter. Fortunately we in Nova Scotia so far have not had to endure some of the weather extremes that our American neighbours to the south have experienced. The weather here has allowed me to get out and walk most days and in January I walked just shy of 300 kilometers – like walking to Summerside PEI. Although it was snowing a bit, today was not an exception. Normally I have a 9 mile route that takes me through downtown Dartmouth and then along the side of Lake Banook. Now that the lake is frozen over I have extended my walk by going out to the middle of the lake and walk down the centre of it. I took this picture out on the lake today.

Overcast with a gentle snowfall, it was such a nice winter day I decided to vary my walk. I made my way over to Lake Morris and I also walked out to the centre of that lake to have a look at one of the small islands there. On my way, walking through the small park in Portland Estates, I met some ducks who must have missed the flight south. When I stopped to have a look at them, they all came out of the stream they were in and waddled through the snow up to me. One of them parked himself on my right foot. These little guys were pretty desperate for handouts and I had nothing for them. Next time I plan to take this route I must make a note to self – bring duck food!

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