Friday, 17 December 2010


Now that my daughter and her husband have moved back to Brunei, our only opportunity to see how our grandson, Alex, is progressing is with the online video features of Skype. This has not been an entirely successful endeavour as the quality of our sessions have mostly been poor to impossible. We suspect that it has much to do with the distances and the Internet infrastructure. We have tried different times and days but the service is intermittent at best.

But every now and then, we have a day when the voice and image quality are both good. This happened last week as you can see from this image of Alex that we captured from the session. He is so different from when we last saw him in April and the beauty of the video image is we get to see him at play. Cathie and I are longing for the days next summer when Alex will be coming to visit us here, but until then we will have to be satisfied with the irregularities of Skype.

PS . . . .Isn't he just a cutie?

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