Tuesday, 30 January 2007


In an effort to keep some semblance of fitness in the winter months, I have taken to walking throughout Halifax and Dartmouth. I do this daily and usually get a minimum of 5 miles in depending on the weather. Walking is not something that has come naturally to me. My inclination is to sit at home and be comfortable, but now that I force myself to make it a daily event, I am enjoying it more and less force is required. So far the weather has been good for this pursuit. There is not much snow on the ground and there have been many sunny days. It has been very cold lately (-9c today) but if dressed appropriately, walking can still be an enjoyable experience.

Today, a sunny bright day, I covered 9 miles with a pleasent excursion out onto the middle of Lake Banook. As this picture shows, the lake is like one gigantic skating rink with the ice very smooth and clear. I envy the few who were out there skating. They glided past me with speed and, it appeared, without effort with miles of unblemished ice to cover.

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