Tuesday, 6 November 2018

America Votes

Well, today Americans will finally be voting in their mid-term elections. It is a subject which has been in the news for months and in fever pitch these past few weeks. It seems that most pundits are reluctant to commit to a forecast in favour of one party or the other, a stance not surprising given their misreading of the 2016 presidential disaster. I find that to be such a depressing situation.

After almost two years of the buffoonery in the White House, that there is any support for more of it astonishes me. The clearly racist, misogynistic and hatred expressed by its current deceitful and narcissistic occupant has now been accepted and, for many Republicans, endorsed as party policy. That moderate Republicans are largely silent and have acquiesced to all of this is disheartening. Two years of this reality show and there is a significant number of Americans who have not clearly expressed abhorrence of the despicable fool in the White House. The mid-term elections should have been a clear message of rejection of the direction that he has taken the country. These elections should never have been this close.

The Democrats may very well take the majority in House of Congress but will likely lose seats in the Senate. If that happens, one can only hope that some form of restraint can be imposed on the malevolent narcissist who is now the president.

Good luck, America but I suspect you are about to descend further into chaos and party tribalism.

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