Friday, 20 January 2017

Well, Russia Is Happy

Well it has happened. A great day for Russia I guess as "The Donald" has now been inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. This was something that I did not think was possible - that such a buffoon could be elected to the most powerful office in the world. To be so wrong in my understanding of what I believed the American voters would never allow is unnerving and depressing.

During the past year, the coverage of the election and the focus on "The Donald" has been staggering. The alarm bells have been ringing since day one of his campaign and now he is at the switch to cut the power to those bells. So much has been written about what is at stake with this man's presidency but I think this “Against the Logicians” blog sums up what we are in for.
A very frightening article indeed.

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