Sunday, 27 April 2014

Capitalism Gone Crazy

Now this is frightening . . .

Like much of the stuff you find on the web this has to be looked at with a certain degree of scepticism because I am sure it is presented with a certain amount of liberal bias. But I do like that they have listed their sources.

Privatization of the US Prison System

The US Private Prison System

Privatization of the US Prison System. An Infographic from

So far private prisons only account for just under 8% of the total in 2011 (it was about 5% in 1999) according to these figures. 

I guess profit overrides all other considerations in the private system. As a cheap source of labour and the involvement of corporate America, it makes me think that the privatization of the US Prison System will continue to grow and that it will be sold as a good thing.

America Strong!

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