Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Some of Canada Votes

Yesterday we Canadians were given the opportunity to vote for the leadership of this country. And, shamefully, almost 40 percent of us who were eligible choose to ignore this fundamental democratic right.

So, of the 60 percent who did vote, 39 percent voted Conservative. Or, looked at another way, just 24 percent of all those eligible voted Conservative. Given the peculiarities of the Canadian parliamentary system that has translated into a majority of seats in the House of Commons.

There is something wrong with this picture when 24 percent of the whole constitues the majority.



Mike and Diane said...

And the other 40% of the population was quite content to allow that to happen - looks like Canada got what Canada wanted, even if it was by default.

AncientMariner said...

Not quite . . .

24% got what they wanted.

36% did not get what they wanted.

And the remaining 40% . . . we don't know.